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What do you need to start trading with LAGFX?All you need is the disposable income to invest, a laptop or smart phone to recieve our trading ideas and a few minutes a day to follow the trades that would be recommended by the team. We will be doing all the hard work, generating potential entry points and breaking down the market.
Are you risking all of your equity with each trade that is placed?No, with every trade we place here at LAGFX we make sure and advise our clients to use good risk management, risking around 1-3% per trade.
How easy is it to access my funds and make withdrawls?You are the only person with access to your funds and it is very easy, simply log into your trading account. You can make withdrawls whenever you like and it can be of any amount, they typically take about 2 days to be processed and put into your personal bank account.
How much do you recommend investing when you first start?We recommend a minimum of £350 as you need money to invest to make money, but we do advise at least £500 just to help give you the best start. Investing £500 means you can begin trading with a larger lot size, thus giving you the opportunity to gain greater returns with each trade placed from your analysis and the advice from the LAGFX team.
Is there a risk in forex trading and is it worth doing?Yes, there is risk in trading as there is with any investing, but the team at LAGFX are experianced at what they do with a high success rate. YES trading forex is worth it, not just for financial reasons but also for the freedom that it gives you.
Which broker are you partnered with and what is there leverage?We are partnered both BDSwiss & AxiTrader who are authorised and regulated, and hold a great reputation in this industry. Both brokers offer a max leverage of 1:400 on the foreign exchange market.
Why do you have a cap on how many clients you have at one time?We are firm believer in quality over quantity. We cap the amount of clients we take on so we can continue to provide a service like no other. Our main focus is to make our clients a success and to do this we need to be able to offer 1-1 support at all times, attend to our clients needs and generate only the best material and chart analysis that we can.
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